
Knowledge sharing is one of our key values. Read guides on how to train your own image recognition, tagging, and object detection models, and level up your customer experience with Visual AI.

Train Your Own Machine Learning Models With Video Tutorials

Video tutorials for building custom image recognition models, using fashion tagging and search services with Ximilar App platform.

Read more November 2020
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Advanced Options for Machine Learning Model Training

Improve your custom recognition & detection models from Ximilar App with advanced training options, including augmentations of the images.

Read more November 2020
Car detection by Ximilar

How to Train an Object Detection Model With One Click

Define, optimize and deploy to API your custom object detection model without coding.

Read more September 2020
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Evaluation on an Independent Dataset for Image Recognition

Monitor the performance of your custom models on test dataset with Ximilar platform.

Read more August 2020
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The Best Resources on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

List of great books, podcasts, magazines, lectures, blogs & papers from the field of AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning.

Read more July 2020
Photo by Ravi Kumar on Unsplash

How to Deploy Models to Mobile & IoT For Offline Use

Tutorial for deploying Image Recognition models trained with TensorFlow to your smartphone and edge devices.

Read more May 2020

Introducing Tags, Categories & Image Management

With the new tagging tasks, you are able to create even more powerful custom deep learning models and deploy them as API.

Read more March 2019
Insights to Vize AI

Insights to Help you Understand your Visual Content

New features for evaluating image recognition models in the Ximilar App platform. Confusion matrix, failed images and fancy charts included!

Read more August 2018

How Does Machine Learning Work? Like a Brain!

Machine learning model is an algorithm used to build visual AI solutions. This article explains the basics using analogy to human brain.

Read more July 2017